Thursday 25 August 2016

In love with 'Sudocrem Care and Protect' ointment

Im a mum on the go. I couldn't think of anything worse than being stuck indoors all week with my dribbling mini me (or mini 'her dad' to be honest) and just watch tv or swivel the same rattle at a desperate attempt to converse with my 5 month old! Don't get me wrong, I love that part of being a parent, but it's hardly fulfilling to either of us! We like mini experiences!

So...We took a road trip! I woke up super early (to be fair I wake up no later than 6am every morning thanks to my babbling, snooze-free [mini] human alarm clock! We were headed for a picnic at the park with Amelie's grandparents!

I was ready for a fun filled day; she woke up grumpy. This was a combination of a horrendous nights's sleep and teething! The joys of parenthood meant I'd drawn the inevitable short straw and was about to endure a fairly long car journey with a monster. She fell asleep to be fair and the drive was smooth sailing! Until about half way, when she pooed herself awake! I've lost track of the amount of times I'd spent my driving times bargaining with my 5 month old about which bit of road (usually an A-Road) is safe to pull over at. If she's not in the mood to wait (she never is) I have to pull over on some obscure looking supposed parking bay. So on this particular day, I did just that. Found a safe place and plonked my pooey baby in the boot! I was met with not only the usual, but nappy rash too. Great. I have a couple of go-to creams - one which is so intense it irritates her skin after more than a couple of applications; the other  Sudocrem. I was excited to recently receive a tube of 'Sudocrem Care and Protect' and decided it would be the perfect opportunity to test it out.

Sudocrem Care and Protect is a triple care ointment which can be used at every nappy change - something which is unique to me as I have not yet discovered an ointment that is suitable for frequent use. I'm not saying the rash disappeared after one single use, but it had begun to look less angry and my little one's mood improved not long after applying the ointment no doubt. This was a huge relief as it meant she could enjoy her time with her grandparents who had travelled some distance and don't get a chance to see her often. I felt relieved that I could apply as frequently as I wanted and continued to use it throughout the day. I had no reason to worry about rubbing or chaffing, as the cream itself acts as a barrier not only protecting the rashy area, but locking out the bacteria found in baby's waste. It also ensures that the good stuff like Vitamin E and Pro Vitamin B5 (which help skin stay soft, healthy and moisturized) stays sealed in.

We got home after a great day at the park with the in-laws and I was ready to tackle the bedtime routine. Much to my surprise, there was not the usual thick 'paste-like' residue as one might expect with the original 'pot' of Sudocrem. One of my favourite things about this cream in particular is that it's so light in texture and leaves no trace of anything behind, only a genuinely soft feel to your baby's skin. I even used it to try and soothe minor sunburn and was shocked at the amazing result!

It's no wonder that Sudocrem Care and Protect has won Product of the Year 2015 in the category of 'Best Nappy Cream' and with a very reasonable price of around £3 (having looked across a range of pharmacies and supermarkets) it's a no brainer!

Every mum most certainly needs one of these as part of their baby care essentials, I certainly won't be going without mine for a while.

I've looked across a vast range of shops and currently the best offer stands at Superdrug. You can pick up a tube here

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